Introducing F4F University
Learn from and for nature
The on-line university will be launched soon!
Why F4F University?
As Ernst Götsch emphasizes, knowledge and seeds are the most important external inputs needed in agriculture. F4F’s online learning platform harnesses the collective intelligence of farmers from across the world to share experiences, research and lessons learned in different climates, such as tropical, subtropical, semi-arid, mediterranean and temperate zones. In our community, farmers will be able to learn from each other the best way to implement syntropic farming techniques in their area. Through our platform, millions of farmers around the world will be able to improve their livelihoods, while restoring degraded soils, recovering springs, recycling water, reducing dependency on chemicals and producing healthy, high nutrient density food with joy and happiness!
It's only recently that humans have come to understand more deeply how a forest actually works, how it overcomes climatic extremes such as floods, storms, fires and hurricanes, how it is reborn and produces myriad life forms in harmony. The secret is COOPERATION, thanks to which everything works to perfection. Forests have been expanding on our planet for thousands of years thanks to cooperation between species. There is no artificial intelligence that can overcome the natural intelligence of forests. Our platform seeks to emulate what has worked, we work incooperation between farmers from different parts of the world, producing a synergetic intelligence that is much greater than the sum of its parts, giving rise to emerging properties, optimising and leveraging resources, making life thrive.