Draw inspiration from nature and act in harmony with nature!

Forests4Farming (F4F) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting tree-based agriculture for growing cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and raising animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and chickens.


We are a non-profit organization dedicated to one overarching aim:

Agriculture in harmony with nature, fostering life!

Leaf 1

By incorporating and pollarding long-lived, deep-rooted trees that grow quickly and respond well to pollarding, we promote the health, vigor, and high yield of our crops.

Leaf 2

Our most important resource for achieving healthy, thriving crops is knowledge.

By understanding natural processes, we achieve a steady increase in soil fertility and water retention capacity.

Leaf 3

Through a global farmer-to-farmer learning platform, our goal is to:

  • Make this knowledge accessible to farmers and others around the world.

  • Exchange practical experiences and techniques between farmers and learn together.

  • Bring to life the thought of Cicero (Roman philosopher 106-43 BC): “Farming is the most advanced art developed by mankind.”
Leaf 4

Every revolution begins with a good idea. By harnessing the collective intelligence of farmers around the world, Forests4Farming has many!

Leaf 5

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to one overarching aim:

Agriculture in harmony with nature, fostering life!

Leaf 1

By incorporating and pollarding long-lived, deep-rooted trees that grow quickly and respond well to pollarding, we promote the health, vigor, and high yield of our crops.

Leaf 2

Our most important resource for achieving healthy, thriving crops is knowledge.

By understanding natural processes, we achieve a steady increase in soil fertility and water retention capacity.

Leaf 3

Through a global farmer-to-farmer learning platform, our goal is to:

  • Make this knowledge accessible to farmers and others around the world.

  • Exchange practical experiences and techniques between farmers and learn together.
Leaf 4

Every revolution begins with a good idea. By harnessing the collective intelligence of farmers around the world, Forests4Farming has many!

Leaf 5

Where our initiatives are showing results

No data

Acknowledgment to Ernst Götsch

Ernst Götsch, the founder of the syntropic agroforestry concept, has been a great inspiration to us for many years and we are deeply grateful to him for sharing his knowledge generously and openly, an example we seek to apply in our institution. The syntropic farming movement has spread all over the planet and Ernst's work as a farmer and researcher over several decades has created an invaluable philosophical and practical knowledge, which is the basis for our work.

Support F4F projects with farmers around the world.

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To bring our vision to life, we rely on the empathy and active cooperation of individuals and organizations who believe that supporting our initiative is essential for life on our planet to prosper.

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Your donation brings us closer to a collective dream: the reconciliation of humanity with our unique and generous Mother Earth ‘Pachamama’! Join us now on our journey! Together we achieve the transformation to an agriculture in harmony and peace with nature, promoting life. Your donation makes a difference!

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Corporate Partnership

The resilience of global food supply chains depends on the 500 million smallholder farmers who produce up to 70% of the world’s food, contributing $1.5 trillion annually in key commodities such as cocoa, coffee and others.

Companies and organizations must invest in smallholder resilience strategies in order to de-risk their supply chains, ensure a stable supply of high-quality commodities, and improve the livelihoods of their suppliers. We believe that when farmers prosper, companies prosper!

We help you meet your ESG and CSR goals to achieve your net zero emissions commitments while strengthening your supply chains.

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Other ways to contribute

It is our community of supporters who make our work possible! There are many ways you can help us achieve our goals, whether as an ambassador, a fundraiser, or otherwise. Your contribution makes a difference. If you are willing to contribute, please reach out to us.

Partnering with + organisations

Introducing F4F University

F4F’s virtual farmer-to-farmer education platform empowers farmers worldwide to implement a tree-based farming concept tailored to their local environments. Farmers will benefit from practical lessons provided by our education staff and other farmers who can share their knowledge with our students.

Copyright © 2023 Forests4Farming. All rights reserved.